Articles on: Billing and Subscriptions

Issuing Discount Coupons

Offering discounts is an effective method to boost sales, and with Classcard, you can apply coupons either as a percentage discount (%) or a fixed amount ($100).

To add a coupon, follow these simple steps:

Navigate to the Billing menu and select Coupons under 'setup.'
Click on Add coupon on the top right corner of the screen.
In the pop-up, enter a unique Code. This is the code that customers will input to avail of the discount. For example, EARLY50.
In the Type section, you can either enter Percentage discount, for example, 5%, or, select Fixed amount discount, and enter the desired amount, for example, $50.
There are 4 options in the Redemption limits:

Add an expiry date -
Choose the expiration date by clicking on the Calendar icon. After the selected date, the coupon will be considered expired.

Valid if booking for two or more students (example: sibling discount) -
The discount will be applicable only if there is a booking for two or more students, such as a sibling discount.
You can either select Apply to all students, which would allow all the students to avail of the discount coupon, or select Apply only to additional students, where the discount would be allowed only from the second student.

Limit the total number of times this coupon can be redeemed -
Select the number of Total redemptions that is, for example, If John is limiting the total redemptions to 100, then the coupon can be applied only 100 times, and for the 101st time, the code would be invalid.

Select the number of Maximum redemptions per customer, for example, John also doesn’t want a customer/student to redeem the code more than 1 time. So, he would select it as 1. John will then have 100 unique customers redeeming the coupon code.

Apply to specific items -
Limit the coupon to specific subjects, packages, products and registration fees by selecting the same. Click on Add item button and select the items that would like to apply the coupon for.

After adding all the details, click Save. The status would be Live for the coupon on the All Coupons page.

Up next

Online booking
Adding subject fees and creating package

Updated on: 03/05/2024

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