Articles on: Manage Students, Batches, and Forms

Mass Emailing Students

Email all students in bulk or specifically selected segment effortlessly with these easy steps:

Emailing a segment

On the students' page, click on the drop-down menu indicated with the star icon.

You can email students from the default segments, that are, All students, Active students, and Inactive students, or simply select any other specific segment you have created.

When the students are displayed after selecting a specific student segment,
Check the boxes beside each student's name to select them individually, or use the checkbox next to 'Name' to select all students at once.
Then, click on the Inbox icon on top to email the student list.
The To field will be auto-populated with the students from the selected segment.
By default, the owner's email will be displayed in the Reply to field where all the replies will be sent, but you can always change it.

Fill out the Email subject in the respective field.

Enter the Email content and modify the text as per your preference,
To address the email to the student's first name or surname, click the x icon.
You can even attach a file, pic or embed a video by its URL.

💡 You can ‘send test email’ by clicking on the same to proofread/check the added details.

Lastly, click on the checkbox if you’d like to get a copy of the email sent.

Click send.

Prevent your emails from being marked as spam

1. Email Content and Structure:

Avoid excessive promotional language, capitalization, and use of too many links.
Maintain clarity and conciseness in both subject lines and email body.
Format emails appropriately, striking a balance between text and images.

2. Avoid Spam Trigger Words:

Exercise caution when using words and phrases that commonly trigger spam filters, such as "free," "urgent," "limited time," "click here," or "act now."
Refrain from using excessive exclamation marks and all-capitals text.

3. Common Mistakes:

Instead of: "NEW TERM PRICING - DISCOUNTED PACKAGES" - Use: "New Term Pricing - Discounted Packages"
When sharing an image, always include a subject and a few lines in the body of the email to provide context and relevance.

Updated on: 01/10/2024

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