Articles on: Staff Profiles

Run Payroll

Calculate the pay of the teaching staff at the end of your payout cycle by following these simple steps:

Click on the Reports menu on the left side of the screen.
Scroll down to the heading Staff, and click on Payroll Calculator.
Select the Staff you want to calculate the salary from the drop-down menu.
Click on the calculator icon to select if you’d like the salary to be calculated as, Per Student or Per Class.

Before proceeding with staff payroll calculations, make sure to set up their pay rates in their profile > Subjects & Pay rates.

There are two methods for calculating staff’s salary:

Per Class
Per Student

Method 1: Calculate salary per class

Click on the Duration you want to calculate the salary from the drop-down menu, and by default, the option selected for the calculation is, per class.
The Classes count, Time and total Amount will be shown on top.
The details such as the Date of the classes, Start time, End time, Staff for the classes/sessions, Subject, Subject duration, Class duration, no. of Students, Pay rate, and Amount will be listed in the respective columns.

💡 By calculating salary per class, despite the number of students, the calculation will be solely based on how many classes/sessions a staff member has taken.

Method 2: Calculate salary per student

Click on the Duration you want to calculate the salary from the drop-down menu, and then click on the Calculator icon and select Per student.
The Classes count, Time and total Amount will be shown on top.
The details such as the Date of the classes, Start time, End time, Staff for the classes/sessions, Subject, Subject duration, Class duration, no. of Students, Pay rate, and Amount will be listed in the respective columns.

💡 By calculating salary per student, despite the number of classes, the calculation will be solely based on how many students a staff member has taken classes for.


Pro-rate - Yes
If you wish to pro-rate the pay rates when the class duration differs from the subject duration set, set the Pro-rata option to Yes. For instance, if the rate for a 60-minute class is $100 and the class lasts for 75 minutes, the payout will be pro-rated to $125.

Pro-rate - No
If you prefer not to pro-rate the pay rates based on differing class and subject durations, set Pro-rata to No. For instance, if the rate for a 60-minute class is $100 and the class duration is 75 minutes, the payout will remain $100.

Up next

Add staff pay rates

Updated on: 07/05/2024

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