Articles on: Staff Profiles

Edit Staff Working Hours

To facilitate bookings based on staff availability, tally the working hours of each staff member individually.

From the admin's POV

Navigate to the People menu on the left side of the screen, and click on Staff.
To add the Edit staff working hours, click on any row that corresponds to that staff member.
In the staff member’s profile, click on the Working Hours tab.
Select the Time Zone your staff member operates in.
Lastly, Toggle the respective day buttons, and choose the Time from the drop-down menu.

The working hours will be updated automatically.

From a staff member's POV

Additionally, a staff member can set their respective working hours by following these steps:
Naviagte to the Profile main menu and click on it.
Then, on your profile screen, click on the Working hours tab.
Under that, select the Time Zone you operate in, Toggle the respective day buttons, and choose the Time from the drop-down menu.

Up next

Reset password for a staff profile
Removing a staff member

Updated on: 25/07/2024

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