Articles on: Staff Profiles

Archiving and Restoring Staff Members

By archiving a staff member, you revoke their access without deleting their profile. This means you can refer to all their past records, while the staff member no longer has access to their profile.

Follow these simple steps outlined below to archive staff or, restore them:
Locate the People menu on the left-hand side of your screen, click on it, and then select Staff to access the Staff list.


Archive staff

Locate the staff member’s name and click on the three dots located in the same row as their name.
Then, select the Archive option.
A confirmation will be asked regarding the same, click on Confirm to archive the staff.

Archive a staff member

💡 It is advisable to download any reports, such as payroll or timesheets, before archiving a staff member, or in the event that one has already been archived, restore the staff to download the same.

Also ensure you gather all necessary information about the staff you are archiving, as their calendar will no longer be accessible afterward.

Restore staff

If you want to restore an archived staff member, toggle the Archived button situated on the top right corner of the list. Locate their name on the list and click on the three dots in the same row as their name.
Then, select the Restore option.
A confirmation will be asked regarding the same, click on Confirm to restore the staff.

Restore a staff member

Updated on: 06/01/2025

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