Articles on: Manage Leads, Trials and Forms

Using Lead Forms

Classcard enables you to customize lead registration forms, so it’s easier for you to register a candidate as a Lead by sharing the link of the form. Follow these simple steps below:

Navigate to the People menu and click on Lead form under the heading Setup.
The Lead form is divided into two sections.
Student enquiry form
Inputs (Custom fields)

Student enquiry form:

Click on the Pen icon on the right side of the screen if you want to change the Name and Image of the form. Add a brief Form description and click save.

💡 The form description helps with SEO should you choose to embed lead forms.

The form is set to the default fields: - First name, Last name, Email, Phone, Birthday, Gender, Nationality, Current School, Current School Year, Address, Guardian, Signature, Terms and conditions. Toggle on/off 'Visible on form' under any of them.
Add any additional customized fields from the Inputs section.
By clicking on the settings icon when hovering over an input field, you can re-order or arrange the inputs according to your preferred flow for the student form.


In the section Inputs, you can hover over a particular option and click on the Insert button to add custom fields to your form.
Input type options are:
Short answer - For answers that can fit in a single line of text.
Long answer - A long text field that can span multiple lines.
Multiple select - Multiple select allows you to select one or more options from predefined options.
Single select - Single select allows you to select one option from predefined options.
Date - Enter a date or pick from a calendar.
Phone number - Collect correctly formatted telephone numbers.
Email - Collect valid email addresses.
Number - Collect numeric responses like height, grade, etc.
Link - Collect correctly formatted links or websites.
Signature - Collect electronic signatures for agreements, acceptances, waivers, etc.
File upload - Collect a file or document. Max file size 10 MB.
Payment - Add an amount that must be paid while filling out the form. (Eg: Registration fee)
On clicking on the Insert option, the input field automatically gets added to the bottom of your student enquiry form. Customize the fields as required by clicking on the settings icon.

💡 Note: The fields can be made visible on the form and/or mandatory by clicking on the eye icon of a text field and toggling them on/off.

👉 You can also change the Label name. Eg. First Name can be changed to Candidate's First Name.

Sharing the form

After making the necessary changes,

Share form link - Share the link of the student registration form by clicking on the Open Form button located at the top right corner of the screen and sharing the URL.
Embed it on your official website.

Updated on: 29/07/2024

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