Articles on: Student Guide

How Students Can Access Materials Shared by Staff Members

Platform - Website as an app on your phone (PWA)

Access resources shared by the staff members easily by following these simple steps:


Log in to your account and join your institution.

Access files

Files are individual multimedia content such as images, documents, video links etc.

Navigate to the bottom right side of the screen and click on the profile name.
On the new page, click on the Files tab and you’ll see all the individual files shared with you.
Depending on the ‘privacy’ set by your staff, you’ll be able to either View and download the file or View only.

Access courses

A course is a compilation of multimedia files bundled together, offering a comprehensive view of all files collectively.

Navigate to the bottom right side of the screen and click on the profile name.
Next, click on the Profile button, on the new page, click on the Courses tab and you’ll see all the courses shared with you.
Click on any of the courses to open each file nested into the same.
Depending on the ‘privacy’ set by your staff, you’ll be able to either View and download the file or View only.

Updated on: 02/08/2024

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