WhatsApp Integration
WhatsApp communication alerts provide an effective way to send template-based reminders to your students for upcoming classes and invoice payments.
Step 1: Register on Twilio and buy a number
Head over to https://www.twilio.com/ to create an account.
In your Twilio account, on the left menu bar navigate to Develop > Phone Numbers > Buy a Number.
Select the Country as ( + 1 ) United States - US. Select a number of your choice and hit on Buy.

To use a number with WhatsApp, you need to register it as a WhatsApp sender and the outbound message must follow a message template. Learn more about templates.
To register as a WhatsApp sender, Navigate to Develop > Messaging > Senders > WhatsApp Senders and follow the steps on the screen.
Note: It may take up to 10 mins for the request to be approved.

To create message templates, navigate to Develop > Messaging > Senders > Content template builder
Note: WhatsApp will approve or reject template submissions in 48 hours or less.

Estimate your Whatsapp costs with an easy-to-use price calculator here.
Step 2: Get in touch with your Classcard support team member.
Once your WhatsApp template messages are approved, send the API keys to your Classcard Support Team contact.
The selected WhatsApp number
Templates registered
Account SID
Auth token
Template SID
Messaging Service ID
To retrieve your Account SID and Auth token, navigate to Account > Keys & Credentials > API keys & tokens
Template SID -- can be found under Develop > Messaging > Content Template Builder
Messaging Service ID -- can be found under Develop > Messaging > Services

WhatsApp alerts can currently be sent for the following communication:
Upcoming session reminder
Invoice issued
Student enrollment
Receipt issued
Payment reminder
Support Email - Contact us at support@classcardapp.com.
Integrate with WhatsApp (Via Twilio):
Step 1: Register on Twilio and buy a number
Head over to https://www.twilio.com/ to create an account.
In your Twilio account, on the left menu bar navigate to Develop > Phone Numbers > Buy a Number.
Select the Country as ( + 1 ) United States - US. Select a number of your choice and hit on Buy.

To use a number with WhatsApp, you need to register it as a WhatsApp sender and the outbound message must follow a message template. Learn more about templates.
To register as a WhatsApp sender, Navigate to Develop > Messaging > Senders > WhatsApp Senders and follow the steps on the screen.
Note: It may take up to 10 mins for the request to be approved.

To create message templates, navigate to Develop > Messaging > Senders > Content template builder
Note: WhatsApp will approve or reject template submissions in 48 hours or less.

Estimate your Whatsapp costs with an easy-to-use price calculator here.
Step 2: Get in touch with your Classcard support team member.
Once your WhatsApp template messages are approved, send the API keys to your Classcard Support Team contact.
The selected WhatsApp number
Templates registered
Account SID
Auth token
Template SID
Messaging Service ID
To retrieve your Account SID and Auth token, navigate to Account > Keys & Credentials > API keys & tokens
Template SID -- can be found under Develop > Messaging > Content Template Builder
Messaging Service ID -- can be found under Develop > Messaging > Services

WhatsApp alerts can currently be sent for the following communication:
Upcoming session reminder
Invoice issued
Student enrollment
Receipt issued
Payment reminder
Support Email - Contact us at support@classcardapp.com.
Updated on: 26/09/2024
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