Articles on: Integrations

Zapier Integration

Zapier is an online platform that lets you automate workflows by connecting different apps and services you use.


Integrating zapier with Classcard

Common workflow examples
Adding a new student to your email marketing tool
Sending a presonalized email to a customer when you receive a new online booking

To access Zapier while Classcard's integration is in Beta, please use this invite link:

To integrate Zapier with Classcard, follow these simple steps -

On Zapier

After clicking on the above link, log in (or sign up) to your Zapier account. Click on the 'Accept Invite & Build a Zap' button.

Click on the + Create Zap button on the right side of your screen and then on New Zap.
Click on the 1. Trigger button and search and select Classcard as your 'Trigger' (Classcard can also be an Action, depending on the automation workflow you intend to set up).

Choose your event from the drop-down options, example: New Student Added and click on 'continue.'

Click on the Sign in button to connect your Classcard account. To connect your account, you will need your account's API key. Follow the below steps on Classcard to get your key:

API key on Classcard

Navigate to the Integrations menu on the bottom left side of your screen and click on it.
On the All Integrations page, locate Zapier, or, you can also find it under the Automation tab.
Copy Your API key by clicking on the Copy key button.

Copy your API key on Classcard

Once you've entered your key, your Classcard account is connected with Zapier and you can continue to build your workflows.

Some examples for commonly used workflows:

Adding a new student to your email marketing tool

Start by creating a new zap.
Set your Trigger by searching for and selecting Classcard from the drop-down list.
Under the App & event heading, opt for the Event labeled 'New Student Added'.
Then connect your 'Classcard' account with 'Zapier' using the API Key obtained from the step mentioned above.
Test trigger to find a recent student record. If it appears accurate, click on Continue with selected record, or click on 'Find new records.'
In your Action search, select 'Mailchimp'.
Under the App & event heading, opt for the Event labeled 'Add/update Subscriber'.
Fill out the information in the 'required' fields, specifying your preferred 'Audience,' and then proceed to map Classcard fields, including 'Subscriber email,' 'first name,' etc., using values derived from the Classcard trigger. Once the mapping is finished, click on 'Continue.'

Test your Zap to see if its working as intended. And then set it to live and you're all done!

Sending a presonalized email to a customer when you receive a new online booking

Start by creating a new zap.
Set your Trigger by searching for and selecting Classcard from the drop-down list.
Under the App & event heading, opt for the Event labeled 'New Booking'.
Then connect your 'Classcard' account with 'Zapier' using the API Key obtained from the step mentioned above.
Test trigger to find a recent online booking record. If it appears accurate, click on Continue with selected record, or click on 'Find new records.'
In your Action search, select 'Filter' or 'Path' depending on your Zapier plan (Optional).
Under 'Only continue if..." choose a field, for example 'Subject name' and a condition, for example 'Contains' (say "Webinars"). You can make your conditions more complex and customized by clicking on the "add" or "or" buttons. And then click "Continue".

Add another Action search, where you can search and select your email provider, say 'Gmail.'
Under the Event dropdown please select 'Send email.'
Connect you "gmail account" and click 'Continue.'
In the 'Action' tab, select the 'To' email from the new booking trigger set above.
Enter your required fields like 'Subject' and 'Body.' You can select 'data' from the new booking record.

Once your email is drafted, select 'Continue' and then 'Test step' to make sure everything is set up perfectly.

Updated on: 12/03/2025

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