Articles on: Integrations

Xero Integration

Manage your finances easily by integrating with Xero on Classcard in these simple steps outlined below.


Integrate Xero on Classcard

Integrate with Xero on Classcard

Navigate to the Integrations menu on the bottom left side of your screen and click on it.
On the All Integrations page, you can locate Xero from all the integrations or, you can also find it under the Accounting tab.
After clicking on Xero, click on the Connect button.
Next, you’ll be redirected to the Login page of Xero. You can either log in if you already have an account or click on the Sign-up option located at the bottom of the page.
After successfully logging in/signing up, authorize Classcard by clicking on the Allow access button.

Add item on Xero:

On the Dashboard of your Xero account, select the Business tab, and under that click on Products and Services.
On the top right side of the screen, click on New item.
In the pop-up, add the Code (Codes play a crucial role in distinguishing accounts within Classcard's integration), and Item Name that you’re selling, then, check the box if you’re going to Track inventory items, Purchase, or Sell the same.
You can add in the price of the item, select the account and tax rate and click save or save and add another item.
The item will be automatically added to Classcard!

👉 Please note that Xero is case-sensitive, so ensure that you are mindful of this when adding an item.

Match items on Classcard:

On the Classcard Xero accounting page, Sync items, that is, match the Classcard item to the Xero item from the drop-down menu and then, select the Xero account that you would put the item under. Then, click save.
Sync taxes to the Xero tax from the drop-down options of the tax to be levied on and click save.
Lastly, Sync payment methods, that is, select the Xero account that the payment method would be into. Then, click save.

Enable rounding off on Xero - Head to your 'chart of accounts' and search for the Rounding GL Code. Ensure this is set up as Code: 860 and Description: Rounding.


Why does Classcard automatically include a rounding row on Xero invoices, and what is its significance for ensuring accurate payment processing and invoice reconciliation?
Ans: Due to a difference in the number of decimals that Classcard and Xero use to compute invoices, taxes, and discounts, Classcard automatically adds a rounding row in Xero to compensate for the difference. The rounding items are auto-mapped to the “rounding account” in Xero. It’s important that the final invoice amount matches in both systems; otherwise, it may result in payments not being transferred or the invoice not closing as fully paid.

Updated on: 30/12/2024

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