Articles on: Getting Started

Word customization

Customize your dashboard experience by adjusting role names and offerings to reflect your organization's preferred terminology and preferences.

Follow the simple steps listed below;

Navigate to the Settings main menu on the bottom left side of the screen and click on the Word customization tab.
You’ll see that you get the option to customize Staff roles, Student, Subject, Product, Gradebook, Package, One on one.
You can select the drop-down for the alternative names of the respective default options and choose;

a. Staff roles as,
Teacher - Coach, Instructor, Trainor, Master, Tutor
Teaching Assistant - Assistant coach, Assistant instructor, Assistant trainer

b. Student as - Swimmer, Athlete, Dancer, Gymnast, Learner, Player

c. Subject as - Level, Program, Sport, Dance form, Lesson, Language

d. Product as- Merchandise, Equipment, Gear, Accessories

e. Package as - Bundle, Offering

f. One on one as - Private, Rental, Personal

You can even create Custom labels for any role and offering you want to personalize further, click on the same from the drop-down, and,
Add the Custom label in the respective field. Then,
Add the Singular and Plural term of the custom label and click on Save!

Updated on: 16/05/2024

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