Articles on: Integrations

MyFatoorah Integration

MyFatoorah is a comprehensive and innovative payment solution for efficiently managing your online business transactions.

To integrate MyFatoorah payment gateway with Classcard, follow these simple steps:

On MyFatoorah

Log in or sign up on MyFatoorah,

From the dashboard, navigate to the left side of the screen and then scroll down to the Integration Settings drop-down and select API Key.
Copy the entire Token.

On Classcard

Navigate to the Integrations menu on the bottom left side of your screen and click on it.
On the All Integrations page, locate MyFatoorah , or, you can also find it under the Payments tab.
Add the API Key obtained from MyFatoorah in the respective field.

Click Save and you’re all set!

Updated on: 26/12/2023

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