Articles on: Manage your Offerings

Creating a Package

To sell more than a single session of a subject at a time, you can use packages. Packages can include multiple sessions and/or a validity period.

Navigate to the Subjects menu, and select Packages. On the right side of the screen, click on Add Package.
Add a Name for the package, a Photo (optional), number of Sessions the package will consist of and the Price of your package.
Next, add a Subject from the drop-down options. Click on the Add subject button to include multiple subjects in the same package.

Staff can create packages that are relevant to more than one subject, and students can then redeem these packages across the relevant subjects.

Package add-ons

Optionally you can add add-ons to your packages. Add-ons are products that will be recommended to customers purchasing the package online.

To add an add-on:

Click the Add product button and select the product from the list of products.

⚠️ The price for the product will auto-populate to the price set while adding the product. You can overwrite this to create a compare-at-price effect (for example, USD 100 overwritten to USD 80, would appear as USD 80 USD 100)

You can toggle the Mandatory switch on to make the product a mandatory inclusion to purchase the package.
Multiple add-ons can be included in a package.

Registration fees

You can optionally add a registration fee by selecting one from the drop-down options. Validity and Price with package will be autofilled.

⚠️Regitration fees would only be shown in the drop-down options if previously added. To add a registration fee, Subjects > Registration fees > Add fee button.

Click on the Add fee button to add more than one registration fee.

Package complications

Limit validity
Limit enrollments per week
Pro-rata package
Make up sessions

1. Limit validity

You can limit the time until which the package sessions can be utilized. Once this time elapses the package sessions would not be valid. Validity can be limited by:

Date range
This automatically calculates the last date of validity basis the date range selected - you can have unlimited or a particular number of sessions from the drop-down menu with the option of limiting the validity to days, weeks, months, or years. Example: 4 weeks, 1 year, etc.

Limit validity by date range

Specific date
This elapses the validity on a specific date selected. Example: May 30, 2024. Select the calendar icon to choose a particular date until which the sessions can be availed.

Limit validity by specific date

2. Limit enrollments per week

This allows you to set the number of days in a week that a student has to enroll into classes. For example, for a ‘2 days’ per week limitation the customer has to enroll for any two days (or both days in case the class only repeats twice a week).

This would limit the customer from choosing different days for different weeks. For example, if the customer commits to Mondays and Tuesdays, she cannot opt for any other combination (like Tuesday and Wednesday) for any following weeks.

Limit enrollments per week

3. Pro-rata package

In case this is checked - the price and number of sessions included in the package are automatically reduced to match the available remaining session in a series of repeating class that is published online for sale.

Pro-rata package

For example: In a season/term if there are 12 weeks and a customer is booking after the term has commenced, say the second week. The package sessions and the price will automatically be reduced to the price for 11 weeks.

4. Make up sessions

Set the number of sessions permitted as make-up sessions. After being marked absent for those many sessions, the next absent would automatically be considered as a billable session and would reduce the sessions available count.

Make up sessions

Publishing packages online for sale

You can sell the package on your online booking page, toggle the Publish for Sale Online option, add a Description for the package, and click save. The customers would be able to book the package online.

Publish a package online

Up next

How to use registration fees

Updated on: 18/07/2024

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