Articles on: Automation

Building Custom Automations

Automate your repetitive tasks by setting up custom workflows on Classcard. Follow these simple steps to learn how to easily create workflows.

The content

Creating a new automation
Editing an automation
Delete an automation
Run history

What is an automation?

Automation involves two main parts:

Trigger: This is what starts the automation. It's an event that tells the system, "It's time to do something." For example, receiving an online booking or marking a student’s attendance could be a trigger.
Action: This is what the system does in response to the trigger. It's a specific task that gets carried out. For instance, sending a customized email or adding a task to a staff’s task list could be actions

So, in simple terms, a trigger is like pressing a start button, and the action is what happens after you press it.

Trigger Filters: These are specific criteria that you set to be more precise with your triggers. For example, you can create a trigger filter for an online booking received where the subject name is XYZ and the staff member is Teacher A. This way, the trigger will only activate when both conditions are met.

Creating a new automation

Navigate to the icon at the top of any screen or tab on Classcard. On the Automations page, click the +Create button situated on the right.

Under the Configurations tab, add your Automation name. For example, Special Instructions for Artistic Gymnastic - Level 1 bookings

Next, choose a trigger from the drop-down menu, which will serve as the foundation for your workflow.
You can then Add filters (Optional) to make your automation to be more precise
Click the Add delay (Optional) button to introduce a delay. You can then choose the duration to specify a delay for any action. For example, you can set the action to occur after a delay of 15 minutes, 2 hours, or 1 month, depending on your preference.

Under Action, choose one of the following:

a. Send an email - Whenever the trigger occurs, send an email to a student/lead.
The To field will dynamically populate with the email address associated with the student or lead. Set as the Reply to email id, Add the Email subject and customize the Email content as desired.
Click on the Publish button, and your automation is in motion!

b. Create a task - Whenever the trigger occurs, add a task for the specified staff member, including a date and time for the task.
Add the task in the Task details field, then assign the task to a team member from the Assign to drop-down options.
Select the Due date and time and click on Publish, and you're all set!

c. Update profile - Every time the action is triggered, update the profiles of either a student, a lead, or a staff member with the selected attributes that require updating.
First, Select profile type from the options of Student, Lead, or Staff.
From the Fields to be updated drop-down menu, select a default attribute that needs to be updated.
Lastly, Add in the Updated value in the text field and click on the Publish button!

Editing an automation

Navigate to the icon at the top of the screen and give it a click.
Click on the automation you want to edit.
Click on the 3 dots and select Edit.
After making the necessary edits, click on the Publish button to save the new version of the automation.

Delete an automation

Navigate to the icon at the top of the screen and give it a click.
Click on the three dots of the respective automation you want to delete.
Click on the Delete option and confirm by selecting the Delete button in the pop-up.

Run history

Run history is a record of all instances when a workflow has been executed. This data can help you monitor the performance of automation, conduct audits, and effectively debug any issues with your automation.

To access the run history:

Navigate to the icon at the top of the screen and give it a click.
Click on the three dots of the respective automation you want to review.
Click on the Run History option
Click on each individual student/lead name to view a detailed log of the trigger, delay (if any) and action that was performed.
View the status (Success/Failed or Pending) to identify the success of each run along with the timestamps.

Up next

Common automation workflow examples

Updated on: 02/07/2024

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