Articles on: Manage Files and Courses

Adding a Course

Bundle several files together and publish them to your online booking page for sale.


Creating a course
Managing a course group

Creating a course

Go to the Resources menu on the left, select Courses, and click Add Course.

Enter the Course Name.
Choose the Course Group from the drop-down.
Optionally, toggle on the Sell online button to display your course on the online booking page.
Add the selling Price.
Upload a Cover photo.
Select the Files by clicking on the Add file button. If you haven’t added any files, check out this article.
Add the Description for more details about the course.

💡 You have the choice of either selecting the ‘view and download’ option or choosing the ‘view-only option’ by selecting the same.

🆕 You can divide files into different sections to make them more organized on your online booking page. Click on ‘add header text,’ fill in the section name, and then click on the ‘add’ button.

⚠️ If you have selected the ‘sell online’ button, you get the option to toggle if visitors can preview the files on your online booking page before proceeding to payment. For the files where the toggle is switched on, the entire file would be viewable.

Lastly, you may add students/staff to share the file by selecting the Share with option and then click Save.

Managing a course group

Course groups are essentially broader categories under which similar courses are nested. For example, the course group ‘ Yoga Courses’ could have the courses ‘Hatha Yoga for Beginners’, ‘Advanced Hatha Yoga’, ‘Power Yoga for Beginners’ etc. listed under it.

While you are adding a course, click on Manage groups in the Course group row.
On the Course groups pop-up, click on +Add group.
Enter the Group name and Description (optional) to be displayed on your online booking page. Click on Close. A new course group gets added.
To edit a course group, simply click on the arrow on the left side of the course group you want to edit and enter the new details. Click on Close. The course group details get updated.
To delete a course group, click on the bin icon on the right side of the course group row you wish to delete. Click on Confirm. The course group is deleted.

On your online booking page, your courses will be listed under the ‘course groups’ you’ve created.

Updated on: 31/12/2024

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